The list of available facilities & surgeries

R P Eye Institute (RPEI) is a Super Specialty Eye hospital in Delhi/ NCR. It is fully equipped with State of the Art Modular Operation Theatre for all kinds of Medical & Surgical Eye treatments – Cataract Surgery, Glaucoma Surgery, Vitreo-retinal surgery (RETINAL DETACHMENT, DIABETIC VITREOUS HEMORRHAGE, MACULAR HOLE, ERM, INTRAOCULAR INJECTIONS) , Squint Surgery, Paediatric Eye Surgery, C3R for Keratoconus, Phakic IOLs (ICL), Cosmetic Eye Surgery, Pterygium Surgery, Cornea Transplantation, LASIK Eye Surgery- Refractive Error Correction/ Spectacle Removal, Freedom from Glasses, PRELEX, RELEX In New Delhi, India.

REFRACTIVE SURGERY: Freedom from Glasses
Only persons with vision problems can imagine what relief and revolutionary change of life. A successful LASIK is a short for Laser Assisted ...
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Cataract is a clouding or opacity of the normally transparent lens inside the eye, thus preventing the light rays from passing into the eye....
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Vitreo Retina Services
Retina is the inner most layer of the eye. A healthy retina is necessary to transfer the image formed by the eye to the brain. .........
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It may appear in only one eye or may alternate between the two eyes. Squint is relatively common in children and 2-3 % of the population has a squint...
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Glaucoma surgery
Glaucoma is a "silent killer" or like "slow poison". In most cases it begins un-noticeably and damages the eyes without any sign or symptom...
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Cataract treatment
A corneal transplant involves replacing a diseased or scarred cornea with a clear, healthy donor cornea. For many individuals.......
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Eye Donation
A corneal transplant involves replacing a diseased or scarred cornea with a clear, healthy donor cornea. For many individuals, a corneal transplant...
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Other eye diseases
"Dry eye" is not a single disease but a collection of diseases with one common end point and that is “inadequate protection of the eyes by tears”. ..
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