Vitreo Retina Services

Vitreo Retina Services

Vitreo Retina Services

R P Eye Institute

Vitreo Retina Services

Retina is the inner most layer of the eye. A healthy retina is necessary to transfer the image formed by the eye to the brain. It can be affected by various diseases. The most common of them are: a) Diabetic Retinopathy b) Age Related Macular Degeneration c) Retinal Detachment


Diabetes Mellitus is a common and complicated disease now-a-days where blood sugar level is high and it affects Kidneys, Nerves, Heart and Eyes. The effect of Diabetes is so serious that one can be Blind. The severity of the disease is decided upon mainly by the DURATION of disease apart from the level of blood sugar. Even with blood sugar levels under control the patient can develop Diabetic Retinopathy. If the duration of diabetes under treatment is more than 10 years the chances of developing DIABETIC RETINOPATHY is very high.

What is Diabetic Retinopathy?

Diabetic retinopathy is a condition in which high blood sugar causes retinal blood vessels to leak fluid and blood leading to swelling in the retina (mainly the macula) and bleeding inside the eyeball in the vitreous. Advanced stages of the disease can cause irreversible blindness.

Who's at the most risk for diabetic retinopathy?

Fluctuating and uncontrolled blood sugar levels increase risk for this disease, as does long-term diabetes. Other co-morbidities like hypertension and coronary artery disease increase the risk of advanced retinopathy. Diabetics with effected kidneys (nephropathy), receiving dialysis, neuropathy and diabetic foot ulcers also are at high risk.

Is diabetic retinopathy curable?

Diabetic retinopathy detected and treated in time can save one from irreversible vision loss. Even with good blood sugar control with medications and normal HbA1c one should get a diabetic eye check up ONCE EVERY 6 MONTHS to 1 YEAR or as advised by your retina specialist.

How is Diabetic Retinopathy diagnosed?

Once you come to an eye doctor for check up, your eyes are DILATED for retina evaluation.
• FUNDUS FLUORESCEIN ANGIOGRAPHY (a photographic dye test for retina) is needed to detect the amount of leakage/ blockage of vessels and to demonstrate any associated swelling in the macula or retina. A repeat Fluorescein Angiography is required to know the progression of disease.
• Optical coherence tomography (OCT) Scan of the macula is done to record the amount of edema/swelling of the macula and to look for any other tractional/ proliferative components.
• Ultrasound B Scan may be needed in cases of retinal detachment in advanced disease.


Treatment for Diabetic Retinopathy at RPEI . . . .

The best treatment is to keep your diabetes under control and REGULAR EYE CHECK UPS

The treatment required depends upon the stage of the disease whether it is Back ground D.Retinopathy /Non-Proliferative D.Retinopathy/ Proliferative D.Retinopathy.
• In the initial stages, just periodic follow ups are advised to look for progression of disease.
• Swelling of the macula with vision loss needs intravitreal injections (Bevacizumab/ AVASTIN, Ranibizumab/ LUCENTIS ACCENTRIX, Aflibercept/ EYLEA) to treat macular edema.
• If there is abnormal blood leaking vessels with good view of retina then you might need a Pan Retinal Photocoagulation or Retinal LASER treatment in multiple sittings.
• If in advanced disease stage the vitreous jelly gets filled with blood then you might need a diabetic Vitreo Retinal surgery with internal LASER to save the vision.

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